Hinesburg Recreation Department
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Hinesburg Trails Committee

The Hinesburg Trails Committee is interested in making Hinesburg a walkable community. Our members are interested in all routes, from extended walks in the woods at the Town Forest, to very short trips crossing Route 116 to Lantman's to the Town Hall.

The nine members of the Trails Committee are appointed by the Select Board on a rotating basis. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the lower level conference room at the Town Hall.

The Trails Committee is dependent upon hearing from other Hinesburg residents. Show up and voice your opinion.

The Trails Committee oversees the Hinesburg Area Recreational Trails (HART) system.

Mission Statement   

The mission of the Hinesburg Trails Committee is to support the development and maintenance of an interlocking set of trails and dirt roads for recreational and non-motorized transportation uses. The Committee will work to assure that Hinesburg is a community where sidewalks, trails, and unpaved roads provide a safe way for residents to travel, to connect with each other, and to enjoy both the village and surrounding rural area by foot, bicycle, and on horseback.

To accomplish this mission the Committee will work to: